week 3 update, midweek

20 Oct

i have a very sad story to share.

so, because i knew the goat cheese mixture on my sandwich would be so salty, i didn’t salt the egg/greens mixture very well. turns out, that was a bad idea, and it made me less excited about the sandwich.

but i pressed on, and yesterday i really worked hard to convince myself to heat up my sandwich in the toaster oven and bring it to work. so far, the sad part hasn’t happened. anyway, i was in the car, and i had eaten two bites of my breakfast. i put the sandwich back in the aluminum foil, on the passengers seat–the foil was almost like a cup. here comes the sad part–you ready?

my fucking sandwich fell on the floor of my car. open, with both faces against the ground.

but i had worked so hard to convince myself to eat it! and i was going to get to buy breakfast the next day! but clearly i couldn’t eat it at this point, so i bought breakfast on wednesday.

when i got home, shayn suggested that i put a slice of the american cheese he had just made on the sandwich to increase the flavorfulness. which i did for this morning, and it was SO MUCH BETTER.

so i can totally push through one more day with this  breakfast. and i already have some ideas for next week! we’ll see how that goes. so far i have been following the letter of the guidelines but not being successfully excited about breakfast throughout the week–but i guess that fits into the blog title of getting better about breakfast, not getting amazingly perfect about breakfast.




3 Responses to “week 3 update, midweek”

  1. didi October 20, 2011 at 11:09 pm #

    this is a sad story. not sad is your attempts, and successes, about getting better at breakfast. i am wondering what next week will bring. i am feeling inspired to get better about lunch.

  2. eliz October 23, 2011 at 11:29 pm #

    THANKYOU. i found it very disheartening. i am so glad you are liking the blog though! it is keeping me honest and inspiring me.

  3. NB October 24, 2011 at 2:35 pm #

    I know I’m late to this, but I just want to reiterate how sad this story was. Poor sandwich. 😦

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